100% Thirst Quenching Lemon Recipe

6:37:00 PM

As many of you may already know, Malaysia at this point is hot as hell. Back during the hazy times, everyone complained how stuffy and humid it is. Now that the haze is gone, washed by the daily down-pour of the rain, the sun glares upon my eyes like a predator hunting for its lunch. Because of that, I sweat like I'm part of the Niagara Falls every, single, bloody, day. With all that liquid escaping from my internal organs, I have no choice but to replenish them in a favourable way. 

Which is exactly why I've came up with the recipe to counter the heat of Malaysia. 

The ingredients used for this recipe.

For starters, these are all the ingredients used for my lemon cooler (quantities may vary). I'll explain why the use of those ingredients, especially True Lemon further ahead.


  •  4x Sachets of True Lemon (if you like it a little more sour, increase the dosage)
  •  1.5-2x Green Pear
  •  1x Full Japanese Cucumber
  •  3x Small Lime
  •  2x Large Lime
  •  1x Mint Leaves (optional but recommended)
  •  2x Soda Water of any brand (in this case, Schweppes)
  • A large jar
  • 15 minutes of your time

Start off by slicing into thin slices. Yes. Everything.

By the end of it, you should get something like this. There wasn't any mint leaves there because I couldn't get hold of a good one. Most of them were pretty dead and I thought no point in putting those in. However, I do recommend it with a stalk of mint leaves as it does help in freshening the taste. 

Note: Remember to take out the seeds from the lime as it might cause the drink a little more hassle later on. 

Then, toss everything into a large jar - preferably 1.5 - 2 litres capacity. 

Before anything else, remember to open up 4 sachets of True Lemon and mix it in a cup of water - estimated to be around 300ml. Once that is nicely dissolved, pour the True Lemon Mix into the jar, followed by two cans of Soda Water. 

So pretty much True Lemon Mix > Soda Water > Soda Water

It's that simple. For those who likes it slightly sweeter, you can pour in your own liquid syrup or simply make it on your own by melting sugar and water in a hot pan.

Refrigerate overnight and let it do its magic. 

You should get something like this with the quantity above. 

It is guaranteed to help cool your body down and quench your thirst at the same time. 

The reason behind the use of True Lemon - Crystallized Lemon is so that I do not have to purchase, wash and cut so many lemons just to get that acidity and flavour. By using this, each sachet of True Lemon represents a full wedge, where there are no wastage of plump whatsoever. That would be enough to give enough lemony-goodness equivalent of a whole-piece of freshly squeeze lemon. After all, there will be wastage to say the least. 

For those who are too busy to make the cooler, pouring a sachet of True Lemon into a cup of icy cold water would suffice as well. It is packed with Vitamin C and guaranteed to be refreshing as hell. You can also mix it with your favourite cup of tea or perhaps even use it as a seasoning for some dishes. Perhaps a lemon-spiced, ginger roasted chicken? Haha.

This would also be a great replacement for those office people who wakes up early in the morning to prepare lemon infused water. The trouble of slicing them early in the morning truly isn't needed when you have True Lemon. It's a great replacement both in terms of vitamin C and flavour as True Lemon will not get bitter overtime, unlike regular sliced lemons. Simply fill your bottle up with and use 1 sachet per 500ml. 

True Lemon is made from 100% natural ingredients and is Made in the USA. So quality, taste and consistency are guaranteed. 

True Lemon is available in several places around Klang Valley, Malaysia - d'Grocer in One City, Urban Fresh in Setia City Mall, Redtick Supermarket in Setia Walk, Lesley Pharmacy in Old Klang Road, M+ Pharmacy in Atria shopping gallery, M+ Pharmacy in Bangsar Village II, and Village Grocer in Bangsar Village II.

You can order your set of True Lemon from 2 major online marketspace - 11th Street and Rakuten.

The current price for Two Boxes of True Lemon 32's is RM45

True Lemon will also be holding a booth in the Midvalley Food Expo on the 18th to the 20th of December 2015. 

They also come in several other flavours such as Lime, Grapefruit, Orange, and will be made available here in Malaysia next year, February 2016. For now, a sample of each will be provided within the box of True Lemon.

Malaysia Instagram: TrueCitrusMalaysia ( www.instagram.com/TrueCitrusMalaysia
Malaysia Twitter: @TrueCitrusMsia ( www.twitter.com/TrueCitrusMsia

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