Nuffnang Food Fest @ Sunway Pyramid
1:24:00 PMNuffnang Food Fest was held on October 5, 2013. It was an event where lots of different restaurants or individual business owners gather and share their food in Sunway Pyramid. Everything was free as long as you use their Social Media Currency which was either Tweeting about it, Facebook Liking and Sharing or simply Instagramming. Most of the food served comes in small bite size if not any larger. One could try various types of food in this event.
Welcoming gift.
Part of the welcoming gift, a 3000mAh power bank, extremely slim!
SS2 Goreng Pisang!
Sister's Crispy Popiah
Juice Works, it was only half of the cup though.
The crowd!
Worthy Book vouchers!
Crush Juice!
One of my favourites, Nando's!
I do not know what this was but it tasted good.
Crazy Potato Wasabi Mayonnaise.
Ice Cream! The Yong Tau Foo ice cream was great!
New Zealand Ice Cream.
Food Photography Lecture by Brian Chong
myBurgerlab's Peanut Butter Burger. Taste awesome!
Free beer, courtesy of GAB Malaysia.
Interview with Food Bloggers.
All and all, it was a great and fun experience. Running around with my Galaxy S4 in hand tweeting nonsense just to get free food. It started at 4pm till 9.30pm. In conclusion, if there will be another Nuffnang Food Fest next year, I will definitely join.