Ah Yat Abalone Seafood Restaurant @ KL Live Center
8:00:00 AMIt was a grand celebration for Pig's grandmother 90th birthday. Of course, for such an event, an exclusive place is crucial. Thanks to that, I was given a chance to taste and review this place *Yay*. It was a terrible evening to be driving down to KL, especially when there was a problem on the Kesas highway for some dumb reason. Took us more than an hour to reach Ah Yat Abalone Seafood restaurant.
Located in the place where a famous Korean restaurant once were. It was one of the first few Korean restaurants in Malaysia before the K-pop hype occurred. Unfortunately, it didn't last long enough till that hype and was shut down.
Disclaimer: I do not know what are the dishes called, since they were named with some great meaning behind them, I totally DO NOT get it. I mean, why is Buddha Jump Over a Wall a soup? Makes no sense. Hence, I will be naming the food accordingly, using whatever I know.